Smaller customers want comprehensive solutions, larger customers want specific expertise

Stefan Hörhammer, COO of the Medialine Group, is our guest today. The Medialine Group serves more than 2,000 customers at 20 locations in Europe. In the podcast, Stefan explains how his company successfully deals with different customer groups and customer requirements in the field of security.
MDR is not a technology, but a service

From the customer’s point of view, it is about how Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is used to test and introduce stronger security performance and, from the MSP’s point of view, how a central MDR service is linked to important systems via APIs through to the establishment of alarm chains.
Sale of temporary licenses escalates

We had the pleasure of speaking with Rob Oud, Managing Director of Datasvar in Norway, about his journey to providing 90% of customers with Managed Security Services. The next milestone for Rob is to expand the use of MDR to almost all of his customers.
The importance of starting the conversation

In this conversation, Mark Copeman discusses the importance of starting conversations and building trust in the MSP industry. He highlights the need for personalization and storytelling in marketing content. Mark also emphasizes the importance of nurturing conversations with existing clients and the role of webinars in marketing campaigns. He advises aligning marketing and sales efforts and predicts that the MSP market will become more competitive in the future.